We translate for all sectors

Specialist competence

We translate for all sectors. Our professional translators are specialists in their fields with many years of experience. Located anywhere in the world – but preferably in the country where the language is spoken – our translators translate into their own mother language, or first language.  We also offer layout of translated material.

All types of specialised materials

Examples of materials we translate are reports, software, contracts, letters, brochures, instructions, medical information, press releases, tourist information, websites, certificates and much more.

Top-level service

Our project managers carefully match a specialist translator to your requirements, the technical constraints and your target group’s needs. This demands experience and the ability to see the specifics of each assignment. Our team is well known to do that extra bit to make your experience satisfying. Professional translators, experienced project managers, great service-mindedness– all this sums up our whole approach at Tamarind Language Services.