Quarter 4 (2019) in Review

As 2019 comes to a close, we are delighted to celebrate the mark we have made in meeting the various language requirements of a variety of clients.  We have provided versatile and customized solutions for all language requirements, something we will continue doing in 2020.  In review of the past two months, here is a sample of events that we have supported.

International Conference on Population and Development  (#ICPD25)

The #NairobiSummit on International Conference on Population and Development (#ICPD25) took place from 12 to 14 November 2019 at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre. Tamarind Language Services provided English<>French and English<>Spanish simultaneous interpretation to over 9000 international delegates at this high-level conference. This noteworthy meeting themed ‘Accelerating the promise’ sought to mobilize the political will and financial commitments urgently need to finally and fully implement the ICPD Programme of Action.

African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States Summit (#ACPSummit2019 #ACPKenya2019)

Between 6 and 10 December 2019, Kenya played host to the 9th African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP79) Summit of Heads of State and Government at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre, Nairobi. This intergovernmental summit, composed of 79 member states, themed A Transformed ACP: Committed to Multilateralism, provided an opportunity for Tamarind Language Services to bridge the regions’ language needs by offering French <> English interpretation.  Participants at the ACP79 comprised the Heads of States of the ACP79, non-ACP Heads of State, government ministers from the ACP79, private sector corporate executives, partners from the EU, UN and various international organizations as well as philanthropists.

African Governance Report 2019 (#AGRLaunch)

When the world meets in East Africa – and beyond, Tamarind Language Services are always there to offer customized services to the satisfaction of our clients. We offered top-notch audiovisual services for the Consolidated Launch of the African Governance Report 2019 (#AGRLaunch) which took place in Nairobi early December 2019.

The Nutcracker

On a lighter note, Tamarind Language Services was delighted to be among corporate sponsors that supported The Nutcracker: Changing Lives Through Ballet. This was Dance Centre Kenya’s 5th annual full-length performance of the show, held at the Kenya National Theatre, aimed at ushering audiences to the beauty and magic of the holiday delight. Tamarind Language Services supports the developing talent of Kenyan youth and we congratulate Dance Centre Kenya for the wonderful production of The Nutcracker!

Happy Holidays!

We take this opportunity to thank all our clients, partners and business associates for the privilege of working with you and for supporting us. Because of you, 2019 was great, and we look forward to an even greater 2020. We remain committed to providing language services with quality – and a smile.