International Translation Day 2024

Tamarind Language Services is always proud to mark the International Translation Day.

Through the United Nations resolution adopted in 2017, every September 30 is celebrated as the International Translation Day honouring the role of language professionals in fostering understanding, peace, development and friendship among linguistically distinct nations.

Translation is genuinely international. It promotes communication between communities, businesses and organisations whose languages are different. Without translators, communication would be difficult and the chances of carrying out trade and solving issues would be almost impossible. What more reasons could there be to save one day every year to celebrate the role of translators all around the world?

This year’s theme:  Translation, an art worth protecting

This theme embraces the recognition of translations as original creative works. As the creators of derivative works, translators have fought to protect their rights to be credited for their work, control any changes to that work, and receive appropriate remuneration. Protecting these simple things will ensure a sustainable future for translation professionals and the historic art of translation itself.

Happy International Translation Day 2024!

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